
Téléchargement gratuit VVDI MB TOOL 2.15 dernière version

VVDI MB TOOL dernière version de misejour du logiciel V2.1.5 (23/12/2016):
Besoin firmware V2.1.5
= = = = = Pour BENZ V2.1.5 = = = = =
1. Attention: Tout v2.1.5 dispositif utilisateur mise à jour du firmware, v2.1.5 logiciel
2. Soutien lire ancien type w209, w211 mot de passe via IR directement
3. Soutien activer blnak clé BGA (0CF4)
4. correction pour l' acquisition de données dans certains clé ancienne version de
correction 5. Langue
Téléchargement gratuit VVDI MB TOOL 2.15 :


2016 vag ME17.5.22 all key lost avec VVDI2 VAG

Have successfully used Xhorse  VVDI2 VAG  commander for  2016  new vag all key lost . Report - here.
Ecu Type:

Procedure 12:
Johnson controls with 95320 - nodes
In general, this type of instrument use 95320 EEPROM.
There are two methods NEC + 95320 (Johnson Control), NEC + 95320 (2013 jci Bora / Jetta)
There is a special procedure to prepare dealer key:
Menu-> key learning> 4th immobilizer - VW / Skoda / Seat (choose the specific type depending on the car)
Lost all key - keyboard prepare OBD
This function will read PIN / CS ECU or (PIN input / CS) and prepare the key dealer. The key to the dealership can get to the car
After executing this function, he changed 6 bytes of all 12 bytes CS in the immobilizer system. So the old key can no longer be used, and not accept a touch coming from dealer

Tag: VVDI2 program: